On Tuesday September 13th IUA and Enterprise Ireland in collaboration with the careers teams of the 8 IUA universities hosted a highly informative event for SMEs.
Event Aims:
- To strengthen employer understanding of the graduate support structure in different universities and the role of the careers teams.
- To encourage greater dialogue between EI client companies and Universities.
- Highlight potential portals of engagement for EI SME clients in key topics featured:
- Attracting graduate talent
- Curriculum and programme design,
- Internships & work placements
- Consortium Apprenticeships
- Upskilling staff through microcredentials.
- Support companies to promote and market themselves to attract graduate and internship talent.
Event Recording
Dublin City University – Presentation
Delivered by:
- Prof Teresa Hogan – Director of the Small Business Charter
- Yvonne McLoughlin – Head of Careers Service
University of Galway – Presentation
Delivered by:
- Donal Hackett, Employment Officer University of Galway
- Breda Kenna, Head of Work based learning team, University of Galway
Graduate Flows in the Economy – Presentation
Delivered by: Valerie Harvey, Head of Performance Evaluation, HEA
MicroCreds – Presentation
Delivered by: Dr Lynn Ramsey, Director of MicroCreds
Immersive Software Engineering, University of Limerick Residencies – Presentation
Delivered by: Prof Tiziana Margaria, Course Director Immersive Software Engineering, UL

Name and Title:
Closing Comments - Professor David FitzPatrick
President, TU Dublin

Name and Title:
Prof. Tiziana Margaria
Course Director Immersive Software Engineering, UL