Learning & Teaching

Teaching and Learning in Irish Universities

Irish universities are dedicated to student-centred learning and teaching as core pillars of our mission, enabled by creative scholarship and innovative research which we apply to enhance the economic, social and cultural well-being of our nation.

In support of our member universities, and as a key component of the IUA Strategy 2022-2025, IUA works to achieve changes to national higher education policy, practice and funding regimes that will enable our member universities to continue to provide the highest standards of education to students at graduate and post‑graduate level. This requires a significant increase in investment in higher education and an improvement of staff-student ratios, including for the full range of student services.

In the context of Ireland’s significant high‑skills talent needs, across both the public and private sector workforce, the IUA facilitates ongoing advocacy and engagement with public and private stakeholders across government, semi‑State and enterprise, to support our universities’ ongoing commitment to meeting the skills needs of the country.

Our Projects:


Micro-credentials are small, accredited courses designed to meet the demands of learners, enterprise and organisations, created by Irish Universities Association (IUA) partner universities in consultation with enterprise.


The MicroNet project aims to drive the awareness, delivery and acceptance of micro-credentials as a learning tool fit for 21st  century European citizens.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) as a concept values all types of learning, regardless of where it has occurred. RPL is critical to the development of an accessible, flexible and permeable education and training system.

Enhancing Digital Teaching and Learning

This project aimed to enhance the digital attributes and educational experiences of Irish university students through enabling the mainstreamed and integrated use of digital technologies across the teaching and learning process.

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Staff Development for Enhanced Learning and Teaching

Universities quickly adapted to the COVID-19 crisis, ensuring continued education through remote teaching and assessment. Visit Staff Development for Enhanced Learning and Teaching to learn more about ongoing efforts to blend digital learning with traditional methods, support staff development, and maintain high standards in teaching and research.

Support Student Learning

Universities drive personal and societal growth by nurturing talent, fostering critical thinking, and enhancing student learning experiences. Support Student Learning offers insights which reveal the significant impact of university education on employment and skill development.

IUA Part-Time/ Flexible Subgroup

Irish universities are responding to the rapidly growing need for more flexible lifelong learning programmes, including the enhanced use of digital opportunities, and supported by adapted public funding mechanisms. The IUA has adopted a Position Paper “A Student is a Student is a Student” – which advocates for a much more flexible approach to student supports and state funding, in order to enable a significant increase in participation in Irish higher education by part-time and flexible learners.

The IUA supports the objectives of the Government’s pilot Part Time Fee Scheme for Specified Undergraduate Courses 2024 (link https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/c3880-student-part-time-fee-scheme-for-specified-undergraduate-courses-2024-information-q-a/) and calls for this pilot scheme to be broadened in subsequent years.

Irish universities also provide a comprehensive offering of quality-assured micro‑credentials programmes, offered in flexible part-time formats, across the full range of upskilling and reskilling priority areas. To find out more, please visit our MicroCreds.ie platform, the first of its kind in Europe.


The quality of learning and teaching in Irish universities benefits from close interaction with high quality, relevant research and scholarship. This is crucial, from undergraduate studies to doctoral programmes, in keeping teaching up-to-date and ensuring that learning is inspired by a spirit of curiosity and discovery. Much of the research which takes place in Irish universities is undertaken in close cooperation with research partners in other countries, and many researchers in Irish universities have studied or worked abroad. This ensures that they experience the broader benefits of internationalisation in gaining research experience in another country and using that to enrich their own work at home. Please see the Research & Innovation section of this website for information about research underway in Irish universities.

Collaboration in the Higher Education Sector on Quality

The universities, in collaboration with the Higher Education Authority (HEA) and Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), have invested heavily in learning and teaching over the past two decades. Standards and a reputation of excellence have been built up and many important innovations have taken place in the ongoing transformation of learning and teaching across the Irish university sector.

The universities also work closely with and contribute to the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, which was established as a national resource with a central focus on enhancing the quality of the learning experience for all students in higher education. The National Forum plays a vital role in supporting excellence in learning and teaching in Irish higher education, in line with key objectives outlined in the National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030.

Learning and teaching in Irish universities is enhanced by regular and comprehensive external and internal quality assurance procedures and quality enhancement initiatives. Please see the Quality Assurance section of this website for information. All courses offered in Irish universities lead to qualifications which are included on the Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) and the Irish Register of Qualifications. These qualifications are underpinned by core principles of quality, recognition, access, transfer and progression, and

Collaboration in the Higher Education Sector on Quality

The universities, in collaboration with the Higher Education Authority (HEA) and Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), have invested heavily in learning and teaching over the past two decades. Standards and a reputation of excellence have been built up and many important innovations have taken place in the ongoing transformation of learning and teaching across the Irish university sector.

The universities also work closely with and contribute to the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, which was established as a national resource with a central focus on enhancing the quality of the learning experience for all students in higher education. The National Forum plays a vital role in supporting excellence in learning and teaching in Irish higher education, in line with key objectives outlined in the National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030.

Learning and teaching in Irish universities is enhanced by regular and comprehensive external and internal quality assurance procedures and quality enhancement initiatives. Please see the Quality Assurance section of this website for information. All courses offered in Irish universities lead to qualifications which are included on the Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) and the Irish Register of Qualifications. These qualifications are underpinned by core principles of quality, recognition, access, transfer and progression, and are recognised internationally for the purposes of further study and employment.

Student Volunteer

Student Volunteer was an initiative set-up and supported by the Irish Universities Association. It was created as a one-stop-shop portal connecting higher education students with civil society organisation volunteering opportunities.

From 01/07/2023, responsibility for operation of the website was transferred from the Irish Universities Association (“IUA”) to the University of Limerick. For students: Your own / local institution will continue to manage your personal data for the purposes of managing volunteering opportunities and arrangements.

Visit the new Student Volunteer website at www.studentvolunteer.ie or click the button below:

Student Mobility

Some of the innovations in learning and teaching are linked to European and international developments, where Irish universities play an active role in a variety of programmes and networks. The European University Association ‘Trends’ project often highlights Ireland as an example of good practice, and demonstrates that collaboration and exchange among European universities are important catalysts in enhancing learning and teaching. For information about the Bologna Process, intergovernmental cooperation of 48 countries across the European Higher Education Area with current rounds featuring a strong emphasis on learning and teaching, please click here.

EMASI (Enhancing Mobility for Access Students Ireland) Project

Irish universities are committed to ensuring their students and staff experience the broader benefits of internationalisation. International mobility is encouraged for all student cohorts to have the opportunity to experience learning and teaching in another country and use that to enrich their own work at home. The presence of the large and growing numbers of international students in Irish universities is important in contributing to the internationalisation of curricula and campuses, enriching the learning and teaching environment and the student experience, making students more prepared for the changing world of work and a variety of cultural settings. In 2018, the IUA published a report of the EMASI (Enhancing Mobility for Access Students Ireland) project. This Erasmus+ KA3 project was delivered by IUA, working under the auspices of the then Department of Education and Skills, with the support of the Higher Education Authority. The report and a toolkit with practical resources for HEI staff to enable and widen participation in study or internship abroad can be found on: https://mobilitytoolkit.ie/.

EPFIME (Enhancing a thought-out Policy and Framework on Inclusive Mobility across Europe) Project

IUA was a partner in the EPFIME project (Enhancing a thought-out Policy and Framework on Inclusive Mobility across Europe). This 2019-2021 project was co-funded by Erasmus+ KA3 and was led by the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training. It looks at widening participation by students with disabilities in incoming and outgoing international mobility programmes. The project tools to support higher education institutions and national authorities across the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) in implementing sustainable inclusive mobility policies and measures for students with disabilities are now available on the https://inclusivemobility.eu/ European platform.

Most recently, the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science invited IUA to partner on an Erasmus+ KA3 peer-learning project on inclusive student mobility. The 2019-2021 PLAR-4-SIMP project is also led by the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training, with delegations from 14 EHEA countries, looking at strengthening mutual learning and deepening exchange of practice regarding widening participation by underrepresented students in international mobility programmes.

Centres for Learning and Teaching

All Irish universities have centres for learning and teaching, which work to foster and maintain a culture of excellence in learning and teaching among staff and students, providing information, resources and training. They promote innovative methods that encourage active learner engagement and critical thinking through which students can develop their knowledge, skills and competences to the highest level, and offer professional development opportunities for staff who teach. The centres support the development and enhancement of the skilled talent pool in our universities, in order to deliver a quality student experience, and maintain close links with partner higher education institutions in Ireland and internationally. Please click on the university links below to find out more:

Dublin City University

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Maynooth University

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Trinity College Dublin

Trinity College Dublin

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TU Dublin

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University College Cork

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University College Dublin

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University of Galway

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University of Limerick

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Our Charter Commitment to Learning and Teaching


  • Developing a coherent national programme in digital learning in partnership with Government.
  • Expanding capacity for growing numbers and to drive adult (25 – 64) lifelong learning in Ireland from the current 6.5% to the EU average of 10.7% by 2030.
  • Increasing international student numbers to 15% of the overall student population and employing strategies to achieve the Bologna target for outward mobility of 20% of the student population undertaking a study or internship placement abroad by 2025.

Lewis Purser is IUA’s Director of Learning & Teaching and Academic Affairs

Nora Trench Bowles is IUA’s Head of Lifelong Learning, Skills and Quality