Don't Fail Us | Jan - Feb 2020

Election 2020 marks the first time representative bodies for the public higher education system – institutions and students – have united under a single cause. IUA, THEA and the USI have come together to make the case for investment in higher education by the next Government.
State funding per student to third level institutions is now 40% less than it was a decade ago. Every year, Ireland is losing ground against international competitors and the crisis in funding is compromising the quality of the higher education system and the student experience.
Collectively, the staff and student community at third level is close to 300,000 people, perhaps double or treble that when their immediate families are taken into account. We say to our politicians and election candidates – these are people living and supporting your local communities. And we say to those people themselves – ask your election candidate to commit to addressing the crisis in third level funding when they ask for your support.